Concerts & Family Engagement
Jim Gill’s artistry is beyond the music. Each event is more than a performance to watch. Each concert is an opportunity for children, parents, grandparents and caregivers to experience the joy of music play TOGETHER!

Watch this video from one of Jim’s family concerts. Notice all of the children, parents and grandparents singing and playing together! Creating opportunities for family play is the focus of Jim’s work.

Unique. Active. Joyful!
Jim Gill has a unique approach to his concerts for young children and families. This is because his graduate studies in child development have convinced him that family play is more important to young children than music alone… whether the music is classical, folk or rock and roll.
Each of Jim’s concerts is an ACTIVE sing-along and clap-along event. He bangs out energetic rhythms on his banjo while everyone claps, jumps, spins and dances along. The concert is filled with songs and stories from Jim’s award-winning recordings and books for young children.
Enhanced Concerts
Jim leads many concerts, along with his banjo, in a solo fashion. The audience helps fill the room with music by clapping and singing along!
Jim also has options for enhanced concerts with a variety of accompanists. For a truly special event, Jim can offer a concert in collaboration with a string quartet in your community!
Family Engagement
Jim Gill is the family engagement specialist. Jim engages the children, parents and grandparents in joyful, energizing music play in order to inspire them to continue the play at home.
While your event is in the planning stage, Jim sends each client a list of ideas, gathered over 30 years, to help create an environment for the concert that promotes “family room” play. And then, in concert, he shares a repertoire of original songs and books that is specially tailored to the needs of the audience. There might be songs for families with toddlers… songs for families with preschoolers… songs for families of school-aged children… songs for families with children with special needs. Most often audiences include a mix of all of the above and Jim selects the best musical games or books to share to keep everyone actively engaged in the play.
Jim can provide a handout for families with ideas and resources to continue the play at home.